It’s all about RESPECT…
Respect, and particularly respect of umpires and officials is a core value of the Doncaster Hockey Club. We want to be known as a club who respects all officials.
Officials and umpires are just as important as players and coaches. We can't have play hockey games without them. Everyone makes mistakes during a game, including players, coaches, and umpires. Being an umpire or official is a challenging and often underappreciated role. They give their time to ensure everyone enjoys hockey.
Doncaster Hockey Club and Hockey Victoria have a zero tolerance policy for umpire abuse.
Remember to thank the umpires after your game. We expect all players, coaches, and spectators to treat our umpires and officials with respect before, during, and after the game.
For more information refer to the Hockey Australia Code of Conduct:
"Relevant Persons and Relevant Organisations must: …Accept and respect the authority of Officials and must not use offensive language or behaviour, show unnecessary dissension, displeasure or disapproval towards an Official, whether on or off the field of play."
Interested in becoming an umpire or official? Check out our Resources for Umpires and Officials page.